Hello, I am Ron – aka: Ron the Web Guy. I specialize in digital marketing with a focus on SEO, eCommerce and web hosting. I have been working to design websites and market online for both large and small companies since 1996, and I love it.
Humble Beginnings
Circa 1995, as a licensed Real Estate agent – working with just a basic desktop computer in the back of my parents Real Estate office in Cle Elum, WA, I used my spare time to teach myself how to do web design/develop websites, and by early 1996 I had launched two websites. One was a database-driven Real Estate website (the first of its kind in Cle Elum, WA) and the other website sold used Land Cruiser and Jeep parts. For those that remember those days … this was all done on old-school 28.8 dial-up modems (remember that squealy internet connection sound?) and using only Notepad on Windows 3.1.

Hooked on building websites
Those small successes were more than enough to hook me on designing and hosting websites and marketing online. I went out and bought thousands of dollars’ worth of books on website development/design (I mean books with actual paper pages-this was before digital books were mainstream). I also drove to many web design-training events/seminars all over the West Coast (again, I mean physically drove by car-this was before online training was common).
My determination to learn more about web design and eCommerce grew to the point that I personally designed/developed and launched a full-blown successful eCommerce website that was eventually sold to a competitor. My professional credibility by then firmly established, I pushed myself to keep learning in this rapidly changing field and, as a result, landed some really cool web design/web development jobs and contracts at companies such as Microsoft, T-Mobile, Nintendo and Samsung.
Fast Forward
Now, 29+ years later, I have built, edited, and/or managed numerous websites for companies including Microsoft, Samsung, T-Mobile, Car Toys, Nintendo, ProActive Gears, Carbyne and many more.
Contact Ron the Web Guy if you or your business needs help designing a new website, updating a current website, web hosting concerns, selling on eBay/Amazon or just crushing the competition on the search engines via more sophisticated SEO. Message, text, or call, and learn how Ron the Web Guy can help you reach your goal with any project, large or small.
A quick note about COVID-19’s impact – remote working
The ability to work remotely has become essential due to changes in the workforce brought about by COVID-19. Fortunately, I have been effectively working remotely from home in (Roslyn, WA) developing websites and servicing major technology companies such as Microsoft, Samsung, T-Mobile, and Nintendo for the better part of 20 years. This extensive remote work expertise positions me to offer the highest quality client experience in a remote working environment.